Google Maps

Learn how to use google map in webpage
The following map types are available in the Google Maps API:

MapTypeId.ROADMAP displays the default road map view. This is the default map type.
MapTypeId.SATELLITE displays Google Earth satellite images
MapTypeId.HYBRID displays a mixture of normal and satellite views
MapTypeId.TERRAIN displays a physical map based on terrain information.
You modify the map type in use by the Map by setting its mapTypeId property, either within the constructor via setting its Map options object, or by calling the map's setMapTypeId() method. The mapTypeID property defaults to MapTypeId.ROADMAP.

Setting the mapTypeId upon construction:
var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(-34.397, 150.644);
var mapOptions = {
zoom: 8,
center: myLatlng,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map-canvas"),
Modifying the mapTypeId dynamically:

Note that you don't actually set the map's map type directly, but instead set its mapTypeId to reference a MapType using an identifier. The Maps Javascript API V3 uses a map type registry, explained below, to manage these references.

Notice that you don't need to do anything "special" to get this image to show up on the page. No JavaScript is required. All we needed to do was create a URL, and place it within an img tag. You can place a Google static map anywhere on your webpage where you can place an image. Audience This document is intended for website and mobile developers who want to include Google Static Maps API images within a webpage or mobile application. It provides an introduction to using the API and reference material on the available parameters.